Water Fuel Engine Made Simple

It has really been in the past couple of years which have seen a surge in people installing a water fuel engine in their cars and trucks. Although the technology has been around for a long time, over a hundred years and even longer if you count Isaac Newton’s theoretical knowledge of it, it has only been with the advent of soaring oil prices that the mainstream public has become seriously interested.

As oil prices rocket and tumble, the cost of installing an water fuel engine kit remains at around $160. Not bad, considering you can then start making savings at the gas pumps of up to 55%, perhaps more with some tweaking and adjustments. The components were a touch cheaper a year or two ago, but anything for under two hundred dollars that in posse slashes household by hundreds and thousands has to be good news.

With nigh on a million Americans already running on HHO water fuel, combined with gasoline or diesel, already, one begins to wonder what that figure will be in four or five years time. At least the USA has official figures. It is anybody’s guess how many of the population throughout the world are utilizing these systems.

The thing is, no-one needs more than a good guide to fit their own. The parts are extremely easy to lay your hands on and no specialist tools are required. Even a grasp of basic chemistry isn’t needed. Just following the instructions is good enough for most folk. Some find they do need a mechanic’s help, but generally that will be for no longer than a couple of hours.

Oxyhydrogen does not interrupt the normal operation of the vehicle’s engine, gas or diesel. HHO gas is fed into the internal combustion engine and mixes with the gasoline. Itself, it burns four to five times better than gasoline. As it mixes, it also helps the petroleum’s combustion efficiency which is frequently as low as 30%.

How To Make A Water Fuel Engine Is Easy Enough

For a hassle free time of it, almost everybody needs a professional manual They are probably still only available on the web. Most downloads retail for under $100. Many come with a two month money back guarantee. Equipped with something good, you can even take it to the local mechanic’s who should build and fit for less than $500. Of course, do it yourself and you can shave two thirds off that figure.

The component parts of an HHO kit are a battery, a container, a catalyst, some wiring and some good old H2O. The battery is already there, so that is no problem. It provides the energy, if you will, but is regenerated as the vehicle moves. It is likely the battery will last only four fifths of the life it would normally do. That is more than counterbalanced by oxyhydrogen being easier on the pistons, gaskets and valves, so much so that it can frequently almost double the lifespan of an internal combustion engine.

When the vehicle is started, electricity flows through a small amount of water contained within the reservoir. The catalyst does the rest. This is where the huge increase in miles per gallon kicks in. Hydrogen and oxygen fly off the cathode and anode and reform in an upper chamber as HHO. That is sucked into the carburetor where it takes the place of some of the gasoline or diesel. Not does it only do that, water fuel also burns six times more efficiently than gas.

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