One Day Car Insurance – The Most Convenient Insurance Cover For Driving a Borrowed Car

The car insurance industry is now becoming more and more competitive. Till a few years ago we never heard of temporary car insurance or short term auto insurance for that matter. A car on the road was supposed to be insured by the owner of the car and there were no insurance related issues for the person taking a car on hire or borrowing the car from a friend. But with cut throat competition coming in the industry, the insurance companies are offering short term and temporary auto insurance facilities to the user of the car. Insurance is now moving base from being the owner’s prerogative to being a driver’s prerogative. So much so, that if you plan to take a car on rent from a car hire company or use your friend’s car for a day, you can also go in for one day auto insurance policy.

In what way does a one day car insurance policy differ from the usual annual insurance cover? In the first place, the insurance is a major facility available to those who need a vehicle to be on the road for one day. This saves worrying about accidents and compensations. While it is necessary to ensure that the car is mechanically sound to prevent accidents, it must be remembered that most accidents happen because of the person driving the car and not because of the physical condition of the vehicle. The laws require that any vehicle to be on the road must be covered by insurance. This is taken care of by the short term or temporary car insurance covers that are available.

The most important advantage of a short term car insurance is to the insurance company. Unlike the normal insurance policy, a one day car insurance cover is costlier. These types of insurance are costly because in the event of a major accident, the loss is borne by the insurance company. Also, persons taking cars on hire or from a friend prefer if the car is already covered under an insurance policy to save them the exorbitant costs.

One day auto insurance quotes are also available online. All that the person intending to take such a cover needs to do is to click on the quotes available from a major insurance company and fill up the details. Spot quotes are generally given. It is possible to compare the quotes and then select the best insurance quote that fits in the budget.

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